Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Toughest Cowboy

The Toughest Cowboy or How The Wild West Was Tamed by John Frank and illustrated by Zachary Pullen

The Toughest Cowboy is an entertaining tale about Grizz Brickbottom, a rough and tough cowboy that decides he and his pardners, Chuck Wagon, Lariat, and Bald Mountain, need a dog. Foofy the miniature poodle, a most unlikely choice for a bunch of rowdy cowpokes, changes their lives and bad habits. This group of uncouth cowpokes turn into respectable town dwellers at the end of the book due to the affect of Foofy on their lives.

The descriptive language (flossed his teeth with barbed wire) and exaggerated and outlandish pictures will draw kids of all ages in and keep them to the end of the book.
As a read-a-loud young children will love the language and nose picking on each page!

Town kids will love this book, so will ranch kids, they’ll just roll their eyes more.

Suggested Reading Level: 1-4

Keywords: cowboy, lonesome, ornery. upbringin’, poodle, business

Other books by John Frank
The Tomb of the Boy King: A True Story in Verse
A Chill in the Air: Nature Poems for Fall and Winter

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