Monday, June 25, 2007

Talking with Artists

Talking with Artists compiled and edited by Pat Cummings is a group of conversations with known and loved artists that illustrate books. Conversations with Victoria Chess, Pat Cummings, Leo and Diane Dillon, Richard Egielski, and Lois Ehlert and other artists are included in this book. Each artist had the opportunity to tell their own story about becoming an artist and then concluded their conversation by answering eight common questions presented to them. The conversations are highlighted with an example of childhood and adult art along with a childhood and adult photo.

The repetitive format of this book makes it an easy read. Each artist begins by sharing the defining moments in their lives and then every artist answers the same questions. Young readers are able to go through the book reading the answer to number eight if that is what interests them. All the questions are numbered and asked in the same sequence providing the reader with familiar pattern. This book’s focus is for young people that love to draw. This book supplies the answers about how to become an illustrator of children’s books. The art and photos that complement the conversations will delight and tempt the young reader through the entire book. The photos satisfy young curiosity and the art shows what is possible. Two unexpected bonuses are at the end of this book. The book has a glossary of terms used in the text. The surprise ending is a list of the five favorite books each artist has illustrated.

I would recommend this as an independent read for grades 3-8. It could be a read aloud for younger students focusing on one artist.

Keywords: artist, illustrator, editor, portfolio, publisher, practice

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